
Welcome to my ongoing journal of my journey with God!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. 
(1 Cor. 10:13)  

When temptations and distractions reveal themselves to me, it sets off an internal conflict. This conflict starts with an inner dialog of the “should’s” and “should nots” and then transforms into “will I’ or won’t I”. Ultimately there is a conclusion to the direction I chose. I say all this because when temptation is present, this conversation always takes place. This is God warning me that danger lies ahead.

I do know that God will not allow temptations to be more than I can resist. I always have a choice, no matter how luring the temptation. This choice is what defines Gods allowance towards these distractions. I have to be diligent to remember that a temptation is nothing more than the enemy trying to entice me away from God…and the enemy is very cunning!

The trap of gossip is one of those clever moves that work its way into my surroundings. If I’m not careful, I will interject my two cents just to feel accepted in the pack. If I catch my words in time, which at times sneak past my lips, I think of God. This helps me intercept this scheme and I try to remove myself mentally or physically from the event.  

With this in mind, I now pay crucial attention to those conflict conversations that arise, and proceed with caution. It is at this point I ask God to show me the way so I can endure the enemy’s attack. I am doing the best I can in this area, but there are times when the strategy of the assault is so clever and subtle that before I know it, I have fallen prey. I then repent and ask God to sharpen my defense for future encounters, because temptation is always lingering in the shadows.

May God bless you and give you Grace! 

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