
Welcome to my ongoing journal of my journey with God!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jesus Weeps with Us!

Then Jesus wept. The people who were standing nearby said, “See how much he loved him!” (Jn. 11:35-36)

I became aware this past weekend of the tragic fate of a nineteen-year-old boy who left this earth much too soon. I did not know this young man or his parents all though they live right in my own back yard. Matthew 'Tyler' Milliken had attended the same high school as my boys and life was lying ahead just waiting for his continued impact. I know his memory will dwell in the hearts of many and drive them to achieve great things.

As this story made it’s way to me, I was struck with a distinctive sadness that was all too familiar. This emotion was suddenly redirected toward his parents and the surreal devastation that they are now experiencing. The first few days of my Angel’s fate left me in a stunned state; it was as if I was in a dream just waiting for reality to snap back into position so life would be normal again. Life has snapped back, but I am now left with a new normal that has me looking on from a different perspective.

I know that Jesus weeps along with us at the loss of those so dear to us. His love runs deeper than we know and is so powerful that if we breathe Him into our sorrow, He will bring us comfort. The challenge for us is to relinquish the illusion of our control on life and submit to His love. This is how I have found peace and eased my struggles through this part of my journey. I know it is how I must continue.

I pray that this family and others alike will find the peace I have found to rest in the Lord for comfort as the grief and struggles of life tumble into our path as we journey on from day to day.

May God bless you and give you Grace.

1 comment:

  1. Our tears for others are liquid prayers that are pleasing to God.
