
Welcome to my ongoing journal of my journey with God!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

To Nourish Devotion!

If you explain these things to the brothers and sisters, Timothy, you will be a worthy servant of Christ Jesus, one who is nourished by the message of faith and the good teaching you have followed. (1 Tim 4:6)

As time continues to sift by, I have been compelled to feed the hunger my soul longs for. There is a persistent desire to satisfy this passion through Gods word, prayer, fellowship and the reflection of my own truth. To be attentive and consistent is the only chance I have at fulfilling this satisfaction. At various stages, these devotions have the ability to expand and absorb greater significance, leading me to strive for further nourishment.

This has been the survival method that has me at peace within my settled state. My genuine attempt to apply the Word to my daily journey has brought intention to my purpose and has allowed me to see beyond my own selfishness.

I know I must continue along this devotion if I am to survive. The enemy of complacency has restrained me in the past from moving forward at times. I would reach a comfortable plateau and settle into my contentment, before I knew it, I would tumble back into the slippery arena of self-righteousness.

As I settle into my adjusted journey, it is imperative that I nourish my devotion daily. I must allow for change to occur as my vision is expanded, and seek resolution in the Word as obstacles arise and attempt to hinder my progress in times of adversity.

I pray the passion I have gained through my consistent devotion will continue to nourish my soul and grow my faith in the Lord as I turn to Him daily for comfort and guidance.

May God bless you and give you Grace.

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