
Welcome to my ongoing journal of my journey with God!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Disciple Michael?

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matt 28:19-20)

Disciple: A follower and student of a mentor, teacher, or any other wise person. Someone who accepts and helps in spreading the teachings of another.

Up until this past year I would steer clear of others pursuit of spreading the Good News. This quest they were on would render me anxious and I detached myself from the nuisance as quickly as possible. I thought it a nuisance because they were unaware that I had my own translated version of Biblical fact, and it didn’t seem to match theirs.

My Biblical fact was set and tailored to the lifestyle I was enthralled in at the time. It was a “God and I have an understanding” kind of thing. This self-imposed, “I’m a good person” mentality ruled my devotion, and I failed to see the truth in what I was doing. I advised myself, it would all come together eventually, which required little or no effort on my part because God would take care of the loose ends.

I now find myself drawn to the interaction of the Good News. The beliefs I obtain through my studies and experiences are now ever changing as I grow. If another’s view does not match my own, I am challenged to discover the truth as it pertains to the Good Book. This change of heart allows others to disciple me because I am willing to listen and learn as they spread their faith and knowledge.

The act of stepping out physically and spreading the Word on my own is more of a challenge. I am eager to participate in faith based conversation, but to initiate the Good News to non-believers is a different story altogether. I find myself frozen, and tend to reminisce about my own reluctance to such dialog. This online journal acts as a means of spreading the Gospel and my hope is that it does; yet I need to be more active in the physical pursuit of growing the faith beyond these written words.

I pray as I continue my journey, I will be given the courage to step out of myself and physically spread the Good News without reservation, and be sensitive to others and allow for patience in their acceptance of this truth.

May God bless you and give you Grace.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Michael and wife. I tried to get on the barn site to ans. your blog to me but lost you. I wanted to tell you I lost a son in 1980. And I never talked about it all these years until I went to a bereavemtnt group for my husband. I still feel that is the most tearble thing to happen. You always feel they should outlive you. So hug your wife and be sure to talk to her how you feel. I wanted my husband to talk to me and he wouldn't, he was so hurt. I found that talking about your feelings does help. You never get over it, but it will become less a hurt. But it did take time. My prayers go out to you both and your family.
