
Welcome to my ongoing journal of my journey with God!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

For the Love of Sorrow...

For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death. (2 Cor. 7:10)

In an instant, our path can change or switch course without notice. There are joyous moments that give life a lift and bring accomplishment to its full attention. Then there is the steady as she goes even keel of life, which brings comfort and stability, yet tends to bring her progress to a stand still. Finally, there is the sudden impact of sorrow and tragedy. This valley sweeps at life’s core, longing for a light to shine and bring it back to the surface.

We all go through varying degrees of all of these life-changing moments many times on our journey. It is what we learn from and helps shape our spirit. The first of these scenarios brings our rewards into focus allowing us to relish in a job well done. The second states a business as usual attitude as life lingers on, permitting us to just settle on the assumption of peace. While the latter wells up grief, bringing the entity of God front and center, driving us to search for purpose and prayerfully lead us to salvation.

Throughout time, the valley of this latter distress has brought many a soul back to life. Whether it is the All Mighty’s way of allowing tragedy to step in and resuscitate us, or His way of revealing to us that nothing is more powerful than love. After all, it is love that empowers us to reach beyond our means to achieve what we thought to be unattainable.

With this truth, I now rest in a faith that is far deeper than I ever imagined possible. This is difficult for me to understand, and I find it impossible to explain, although I will continue to try. It is my sadness that has delivered me to this state, which is where my confusion lies. It is heartbreaking to realize that it takes such tragedy to snap us to our feet and search out our salvation; it seems to be God’s Divine plan that none of us will fully grasp until it is our due time.

I pray that I will continue to grow deeper in my faith, and though confusing at times as to the path it takes, it will lead the way to clarity and the truth that I seek.

May God bless you and give you Grace

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