
Welcome to my ongoing journal of my journey with God!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why, Oh Why Read the Bible?

I have never been a reader of books. It always seemed like too much work and a waste of time. I would dabble in flipping the pages on the occasional thriller, but it would take an eternity to complete. With this in mind, the thought of reading the Bible was an intimidation beyond my comprehension. Besides, I already knew the ending, which soaked all the intrigue and motivation out of this undertaking.

Let’s face it, the Bible in a sense, is a small library consisting of sixty-six books, with approximately forty authors, spanning over 1,500 years. It covers the all-encompassing elements of life from despair to love and everything in between with salvation as the conclusion. The repertoire of topics, subject matter, and the shear size of this Good Book is enough to threaten anyone’s attempt to complete such an endeavor.

The Good News (no pun intended) is I do not have to tackle this feat by a cover-to-cover approach. I realized I could break in by exploring individual books and then focusing down into single chapters. Initially, the lessons were lost in translation and at times, a re-read was necessary to grasp comprehension. I have discovered this Living Word changes as my understanding grows. As I delve into previously read books and chapters, it is as if the meaning strikes me at a deeper level, which has me striving for more.

…You must pay close attention to what they wrote, for their words are like a lamp shining in a dark place—until the Day dawns, and Christ the Morning Star shines in your hearts. Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding, or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God. (2 Pet 1:19-21)

It has become a habit that I would encourage for anyone. Reading this biblical narrative is not imperative for my salvation. The apostles and early church did not have this written road map steering their way to deliverance. I will say this; my daily venture into the Word of God keeps the truth of Christ Jesus fresh in my heart and is a constant reminder of sacrifice and love. It allows me to lean on a truth that I had not known before, giving me comfort in my time of despair.

I pray that God’s Word will continue to peel back the layers of my understanding exposing the love in my heart for His truth, and that I may be an encourager to His word for others to search their own path as revealed in this life saving book.

May God bless you and give you Grace.

1 comment:

  1. When I first read the Bible through, I would get confused as to the time scale so I also read "The Book of God" ( by Walter Wangerin Jr.) which is the Bible as a novel in chronological order, which helped. I agree, I also get fresh insights every time I read the Bible. It never grows old and never stops encouraging and drawing me closer to God.
